While wild camping in the lake district over easter set up my cameras intervalometer to create a time-lapse of the passing meteor shower. due to the fact i had little battery and my tripod was on its last legs so would slowly move the time-lapse never worked out.

The nights images weren't lost thought, during the time-lapse we had been using red head touches to see, this had illuminated the rock in the image and created some interesting light trails in some of the frames so i decided to layer the images to create star trails.

when i tried saving the images the compression would create a chequered effect in the sky the only way i have found around this is by creating a screen capture, thought this would not be ideal if i need to print the image.
Fashion on location
We had an experience with location fashion photography this week with a workshop run by Talia white with Rebecca Fisher modelling  During the shoot I tired to think about combining the available light and flash while incorporating the model into the environment.

During the shoot i was trying to create a elegant aged theame to the images drawing inspiration off the dress and surrounds of Tudor grand house. In doors I used available light as well as my flash for fill light to help push the images quality, I altered the flash settings to allow the ambient light to be stronger and give a natural look.

while editing i experimented with using photoshop and lightroom, origanly i was using photoshop but found it lack of tonal adjustments resulted in the images looking too separate. I later tried lightroom as a means to simplify this process, the adjustments brush served to give good results for 'beauty effects' and it offered a simpler approach being less options and more restricted, whilst having the control of the tonal adjustments easily accessed. Photoshop seams to run more seamlessly as I found the Lightroom could be more 'laggy' but this could be due to the amount of images i have in lightroom. 

over all the shoot was fun and relaxed it was good experience and shows how much i have improved during the first year of my HND course.

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