With the New library taking over from the Old library in 2013, the Old library has begun a 10 year development plan designed to alter the space into retail and office space. With the development removing the old structure I wanted document its current use while collecting people options on the current building, the Paradise plans and their experience with the Old library.

Mr Husain

"Its the identity of Birmingham, it should keep it and regenerate for use"

Penny and Bill

"I remember it being built, it was so modern"
"its been described as an incinerator"
"I've used the archived it will be a shame if they can't match the service in the new libary"

Adanna, Kenyah and Lauren

"Architecturally I like it ascetically its ugly"
"The development is not needed, other things are"


"It clashes with the old. The new design is a vast improvement it mirrors the old columns on the town hall "


"As a regular user its really sad to see it go, the structure should be saved"


"It should be redeveloped if its not being used"


"Its dated but the arts nice"

Layda, Haashim, Zara, Peter and Dhananjoy

"My favourite restaurant closed, we don't more shop they are just going to drive us out of the city "


"Built, served its purpose and its time to go"



  1. Great series of photographs conveying the peoples opinion on something it would seem in Birmingham we either love or hate. I have a friend who's an architect, after telling him how much I was going to miss the structure and maybe that itself should be regenerated and worked into the new development, he had some interesting points. He explained how when Birmingham went through regeneration during the 60s 70s they knocked down a lot of Victorian architecture because it was seen as old fashioned, which 40 years later we all long to have more in our city. He feels that this regeneration of Birmingham will be the same. That we will miss this structure. I used to walk through Paradise Forum with my mom sometimes as she worked near there, yes I believe its dated but I also believe its iconic and that we should be doing more with what we have as opposed to knocking it down and building shiny things that in 40 years time, may possibly look dated. Im really glad you did this and think you should continue this series as Birmingham goes through its changes over the coming years. Im glad that Birmingham is being given more of a chance to be a serious city contending with London and Manchester, however I feel we risk losing a lot of character that makes Birmingham what it is but only time will tell. Sorry for the long post but Im really passionate about this type of subject, you evoked that passion which means your series of images has done its job. Well done Kris.

  2. I totally agree with you, it should be integrated as its part of the charm of Birmingham. It was interesting to get such varied views with no overall opinion being domiant. Unfortunately I won't be in Birmingham much longer so won't be able to continue this seris, at least not frequently.


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