Why do we manipulate images?

There is a general consensus that editing is wrong, the term ‘photoshoped’ has developed into a term to discredit images stating that they are fake. but this is a somewhat naive view jumped too when are taken out of context. The reason for editing is unique to each image or create, a photojournalist may have seen a greater range of tones than the camera can catch, a Wedding photographer may want to use an artistic licence to add colour to connotation love or an advertiser wanting to create a more attractive form to increase appeal. While we may not agree with the ethics or motivation should we be blaming the techniques used to create them.
Retouching and image manipulation have been around since the start of photography, As a means to push the limits of the technology even in the 19th century this was a controversial practice as it was not truthful.

Areas of interest

Henry peach Robinson combination printing - Fading away

Combination printing was seen as a means of expressing a theme, by combining different negatives to create a single image with a greater dynamic range than the photographic process allowed. In the 19th century photography was still finding its feet, with the camera being linked to truth the traditional painters freedom was somewhat removed.

Ansel Adams and the zone system

Adams zone system defines the whole process form composition, exposure and printing. Adams believed that understanding this link was key to a successful print. A direct response to the Pictorial movement popular at the time.


The practice of altering a model's shape and size has been controversial for sometime now, By misrepresenting the human form the industry creates desire, an notion that you can be like this if you buy our product. while we know its happening and campaigns get criticised for its uses it still happens.

A digital image straight from the sensor is very ‘clean’ compared with film where the different emulsions carried characteristics altering colour tone and contrast. Photographers used this to  create a style and add elements to their work. applying the same characteristics digitally creates ethical issues. 

Post production vs preproduction
effects can be created pre or post production, by over exposing you can create a glow that smooths skin, or using longer lenses can make a person look thinner as the distortion is less. these create the same effects as doing them in post the only difference is they are some what controlled. 

In the public hands   
Digital photography has had a short but rapid growth, not allowing it to develop natural theory behind its use and effect. filters are now allowing anyone to alter there images but without  understanding of visual representation dose this cheapen the idea of manipulation as a tool to improve and express.

Thought this study I look to develop a understanding for the motive of manipulation, and where the negativity towards the process stems from. as well as deciding how and why we can combat this tread.


  1. Kris, this is an interesting topic with much to explore.I do not think you will struggle gaining your word count and I feel it will make a great essay that I would find interest in reading.

  2. Kris, this is an interesting topic with much to explore.I do not think you will struggle gaining your word count and I feel it will make a great essay that I would find interest in reading.

  3. You have a lot to talk about, maybe you could also mention how nowadays as it is more accepted and its something people are interested in having done (for example: to get the 'perfect' family portrait I was asked to take the child out of one image and put it onto the other image, it was the parents request)

  4. Nice idea, would be interesting to explore the ethics and its affect on perception in an editorial manner. Categorising into different types of photography could bring about a strong structure and within this explain how editing affects its connotations.

  5. Such a great subject to focus on and discuss. You have a lot there to include, this will be a great essay.

  6. There is so much to discuss within this subject, and there are so many positives and negatives within society from image manipulation. I think your essay will be a very interesting one

  7. Intresting subject. This subject will identify the aspects of your artistic skills and it will allows you to discuss positive and negative aspects on historical and contemporary age manipulation.


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