Production, skills and craft 

Celebrating the Ideal of learning a craft, show casing what goes in to productions of everyday Items and the workshop enviroments that are as unique as the prodcuts creating. 

There is an growing trend for promotional videos to be produces showing the effort and skill going into making a product. These have a strength and honest making the products seam real and while showing there value. the idea would work as a promotional photoessay style

Meyer & Ferreira Handcraft furniture

By showing their factory and work process, you can see how the workers are enjoying themselves and the process they go thought to create there product, the use of artificial lighting with in the images adds a warmth and brightness that would not be achievable without. The have created an interesting atmosphere with the use of varied angles and shots. 

BTR Fabrications

A small 2 man biking company working out of a shed. theres a very tacktile quality to the environment the bikes are built in and miles away form the indstrial power houses normally imagined. yet they employ modern techniques sucha as CAD which gives a sweet contrast to the somewhat hostile workspace. 

This style could ba applied to any type of production from a giant industrial program to a single person production in a spare room. 


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