Today we where given the task to follow a brief similar to that a art director might set; to collect sample images that correspond to their ideas allowing a project to move forward with know locations.

The Bench

Note that this is a wooden bench, and that it is a close up.The arm of the bench is at a precise angle and position within the image area to accommodate the text, so the recce shots should show that this is possible.

my first bench image was taken in solihull college, it fits the design of the drawing with a slightly more elaborate arm. the top of the belt has an inscription on the top of the seat, I used a narrow depth of field here to make this less distracting it could be removed by using a similar angle to the drawing although the arm of the chair is quite a bit thicker to that of the drawing so dose not recreate the image as well 

I found an alternative bench with in the grounds of Solihull church. This has a newer/cleaner  appearance but its location in the grave yard could cause issues for having a full shoot there

The chimney 

<table><tbody> <tr><td>photo 1-1 </td><td>photo 1-2 </td></tr></tbody></table> Like

This is obviously a long lens shot. The stack is long and has four pots on it. This is the ideal shot, but get as close as you can.If there is any roof clutter such as aerials, make sure that they are easy to retouch out.

We found this chimney in solihull town centre, I purposely under exposed this 2/3 a stop in order to get some detail with in the clouds but there wasn't much detail to capture with out seriously reducing the exposure which wold effect the chimneys look. I also cropped the image to remove the flashing as i felt it was distracting 

The Lonely tree

This tree has leaves on it, and should be easy to isolate against the sky without retouching.
This was the hardest image to collect, in the city trees are generally planted together and when you to find lone trees they framing then agents the sky is often hard due to the area being built up 

To help isolate the tree i used a narrow depth of field and framed it using the path to separate it from the other foliage in the image. 

The Door

The door does not have to match the visual exactly, but it must be old and have a sense of dread about it – scary looking. The image will be used as a cut out.A sense of deed made this one of the harder images to get, having to generalise a feeling that can be very individual is the key to this. i chose this door for its simplicity and dramatic lighting, the classic plane design gives it a universal feel it could be anyones door. the dark weathered wood and natural shadow adds a dramatic effect. 

editing the Image i started by applying some lens correction to make sure the door was straight and square. Then in photoshop i removed the surroundings using a layer mask.

Working the recce is different form my usual style of photography you are constrained by the brief given. capturing the exact image they want isn't always what you would take had you been undertaking the brief for your personal work. 

I think my images some what represent the briefs but there is leeway to be more accurate. the chimney is the closest to the brief. while the bench could have a better perspective. The door and the tree where harder to capture with in the city, the tree would be easier to obtain had I made a trip to the country where as the door is more about finding a door that generalises the feeling of dread to appeal to everyone

over all i enjoyed this assignment but need to be more aware to the brief to be more precise. 


  1. I think your Bench and chimney shots would be accepted, great match and perfect angels. the tree is not isolated but i know this was an impossible task in the near locations. The door may be passable but seems a little too dark and not enough spooky detail.

  2. I feel that most of your images represent the brief very well, although the tree is a bit sparse, i really like the depth of field in the bench images, and the chimney is pretty much the perfect match!

  3. Most of your images fit the brief well other than the tree as it is not 'alone' enough to be classed as a lonely tree, but could be accepted as the trees are in a distance not surrounding the tree but I personally thing you have took the breif into consideration understanding the right angles to get the perfect shot. Well done

  4. these images all clearly match the briefs with of course a few minor exceptions such as the tree being in a park rather than completely alone, as we were faced with a time constraint. The sky in the image of the tree also has clouds in it just as the briefs image which must have been hard to obtain considering how murky and overcast the sky was that day :)
    The chimney too shows that you have carefully considered your briefs when collecting your images, it has the correct amount of pots and is shot from an angle very close to the drawing.
    however I do think that the door you have chosen is lacking a sinister edge as was specified in the brief, but again this is something that the time constraints may have caused and could also be rectified in post production. :) xx

  5. The chimney photograph is excellent, you have managed to capture the long chimney and fits the brief well containing the 4 pots. I feel the shadows cast on your door really add to the scary feel

  6. Your images really reflect the originals well - great lens use and thought into alternative techniques, especially with the tree image - although your tree is surrounded by others, it still appears of small scale and distanced due to narrow depth of field and the wide angle.


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