As a photographer time is money, developing systems to cut down your amount of work is vital to become a profitable photographer and freeing up time.

over the past few years I have developed a work methods to make myself more productive, although these is a big improvement over how i worked when i first started there are areas i could improve and develop.

Heres my current workflow:

1. Lease with client to create a plan, preparation before the shoot can save time in the post. discuss what they want and research any techniques or circumstances your not familiar with. proper set up of the shoot can result in hours saved in post or the possibility of a reshoot

2. During the shoot I will evaluate the images as I go, I will delete images in camera this frees up disc space as well as time when filtering the images later. I use the dual card slot on the d610 shooting on to 2 SD cards give me pice of mind that i have a backup copy of the images should one of the SD cards fail.

3. After the shoot I will upload the images in to Lightroom, changes the files form nikons raw format to DNG to allow me to open the files with more programs. during this process I always rename the images giving them a name more relevant to the job/image.

4. I then filter the images using the Lightroom pick feature this allows me to quickly evaluate which images I want to use.

5. once the images are selected I move to the develop module and apply edits using the adjustment sliders, presents and sync buttons. I try to keep apple the same editing techniques to all the images making them look like they belong together. any complex editing i take to photoshop and then bring the edited file back in to Lightroom to keep them together. 

6. Once I am happy with the edit s i look thought them before I export them, changing them to jpg. 

Areas that I could improve on my work flow would be:

Working on my camera techniques would allow me to get more sharp well composed images resulting in less images to filter. I have been working on my focusing and playing with the different settings as well as using the cameras beep to know when its in focus.

File structure by using Lightroom I have become lazy letting it structure my files, recently i have started renaming the files and changing there location but this could have more structure making me more organised.


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