A collection of images from la Boqueria, Barcelona 

For my location shoot I chose an Ansel Adams inspired project. I took a 5x4 camera up some of the hills in the lake district. I shot in a similar way to Adam using exposing of the shadows
using my digital camera as a light meter I would meter the shadows to  -2ev to reduce the blown out highlights and give maximum detail and contrast thought out the shot.
I shot both film and digital for the project mainly using the digital as a light meter here are some of the digital images that I created.

I designed this camera capture every bit of light with in the pin hole, essentially giving the image a feeling of depth

I had previously used the design to make a origami camera obscure so the design was easy and familiar to create the sizing was a little off I had 10x8 photographic paper so wanted to base the design around that, I didn't take in to account the space in the camera for the folds. 

I started with just the camera box and the photographic paper inserted inside but the results had a lot of light leaks so i made an external lid to ensure the camera was light tight.

I made 2 sizes as a way to compare the effects on the sides of the image. the deeper camera didn't seam to work as well possible due to the light intensity decreasing as it travels thought the camera. 

This is the best image I got, i have inverted it in Lightroom but this could be done by contact printing to get the feel and look of the original. 

This one came out blurred but shows how the sides lead you in to the image.

This week we used cyanotypes and gum bichromate, these are uv sensitive processes, and some of the first discovered methods of using light sensitive chemicals to record images.

As I have had experience with the cyanotypes before I decided to try some tri prossesed images. These allow you to layer colours using different digital negatives and create a colour image.

 I used the contact sheet holder and tape to ensure the negative didn't slide. As the Strength of the natural UV light reduced thought the day I resorted to artificial lighting i raised the print closer to the light and used foam board to bounce some of the lost UV light back 

The final images
This was the most successful print I applied a cross process effect to the colours by alternating the filters. I started with a yellow using a cyan filter, then i applied a red filter using cyan Gum and for the yellow filter used red.

This print had 4 process as the first cyan did not take well, I applied with 
Red - Cyan - Yellow -Cyan

 This print was created with Cyan - red and finally yellow

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