This week we used cyanotypes and gum bichromate, these are uv sensitive processes, and some of the first discovered methods of using light sensitive chemicals to record images.
As I have had experience with the cyanotypes before I decided to try some tri prossesed images. These allow you to layer colours using different digital negatives and create a colour image.
I used the contact sheet holder and tape to ensure the negative didn't slide. As the Strength of the natural UV light reduced thought the day I resorted to artificial lighting i raised the print closer to the light and used foam board to bounce some of the lost UV light back
The final images
This was the most successful print I applied a cross process effect to the colours by alternating the filters. I started with a yellow using a cyan filter, then i applied a red filter using cyan Gum and for the yellow filter used red.
Red - Cyan - Yellow -Cyan
This print was created with Cyan - red and finally yellow