This was the first stage of the Scottish downhill series as its a 2 day event it was a good chance for me to practice my biking photography.

With this being at a event I was restricted to using natural lighting as i didn't want to distract the racers. To get the best results I looked for areas that had a strong natural light and would have the riders in a strong natural position. 

I decided to try and frame the riders around there surroundings I used my long 70-200 ƒ2.8 to get closer and take advantage of its compression and wide aperture in the lowlight. This has given me a very soft atmosphere yet sharp rider somewhat emulating what they will be seeing as they ride.

As a two day event this was the perfect opportunity to warm up for my FMP the riding images, giving challenging lighting yet a constant stream of riders gave me freedom to try different techniques out.  


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