
     I recently went towards Malvern to create some time-lapse of stars. this was a test run to see how the D610 would work with the feature
My first stop was a view point of the Malvern with the hills in the backdrop, the view point was looking the river, it was hard to get the hight required to get the a good composition of both he town and the sky. Ideally i would want to remove the close bushes 

Time-lapse straight form camera

As I started the time-lapse you could see through the clouds but the clouds quickly rolled in. you still get a nice effect wight he detail in the clouds but i decided to stop the recording as it was clear the stars weren't coming back. I used the D610s Time-laspe feature which automatically creates a movie, previously I have been using the D5100s built in interval timer. The movie has some flickering occurring on the sides of the image, I originally put this down to headlights from the near by road but i have since learnt its coming form the aperture rings movement between shots. 

If i was to continue this feature i would need to invest in some movie editing software to be able to alter the white balance and do minor adjustments. using filters could also help to tone down the strong glow of the town 

On the way back I stopped off at a motorway bridge to create a urban time-lapse, i noticed the cross in the lamps and bridge so used that as a focal point deciding the scene. i think although i got think in the centre i didn't have my camera square wight the bridge so the framing is slightly off.

This video have worked better than that of the Malvern, there is less no blinking and the white balance is better due to there being less of a mixture of lighting types. 


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