I had the change to shoot at the LFWE in the Canon student photo Competition in February. This was my first time in a photography pit its quite exciting being in that environment, knowing that you are all set up with very similar perspective it pushes you to think creatively. 

 I was positioned at the back centre of the pit so i tried to frame my models with in the doorway to lead the eye to the model.
 This outfit was in a set called precious metals I purposely under exposed this image to get more detail with in the highlights on the skirt helping the skirt stand out.
By including the second model in this image i created more depth and interest, the whites are slightly bright on the lace loosing the a little detail 
Being positioned in the centre it was tricky getting a shot with a couple of the models in.

This shot required me to hold the camera as hight as i could, using live view to face and position the focal point, due to having over photographers in front on me in the pit. It worked in my favour giving me a clean and unique angle. having the raised angle gives me a more flattering angle. 

once we finished the catwalk we had 45 minuets to upload the images, I resorted to a coffee shop and started editing as quick as possible. one issue I had was the lack of memory on my mac this slowed the upload process up. Selecting and editing images in such a fast pace environment is hard you have seconds per image in order to meet your deadline and it did lead to me rushing my final edits out. i think it was a good stipulation thought and prepares yourself for the real world. 


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